A Lot Can Happen in a Year

Well, I can’t believe that a year ago today was the first time the Knox Hotel crossed my mind.
It was on this day a year ago that I was sitting on our couch crying, feeling defeated, frustrated, and lost. Dane got home late that night after a meeting and not only comforted me, but also did something that has now changed our lives forever. While I was drying my tears, he took out his phone and showed me a picture of some building. He told me that it used to be a hotel, and it had just gone on the market that week. I started to perk up as I imagined how cool it would be to see the inside and bring it back to life. We then sat on the couch for hours, dreaming together, having not even seen the inside yet!
Our First Tour
Feeling like I had nothing else going for my life, I told Dane that we should set up a time to walk through the building and see the inside. It was only two days later that we got our opportunity and walked through the “Knox” for the very first time. By the way, it was nothing like what we had pictured. It was way, way better! From the moment my foot stepped through the door, I fell in love with the building. I didn’t need convincing, I was just focused on trying to hide my excitement as we walked through! And of course, who wouldn’t fall in love with the spiral staircase and the grand archway?! I did! But I also fell in love with the rich history of the building. That night is one that I will never forget, a night that changed our lives forever.
When Dane and I were done with the tour, we both sat in his truck, silent for a second. Dane then looked at me and asked me what I thought. I finally was able to share my excitement and told him that I loved the building and thought we could do an amazing job bringing her back to life! He looked back at me with a huge smile and said, “Me too!” We then discussed how we have absolutely no way of making this happen at the moment, but we were going to work hard to find a way!
Our First Steps
The next day I left for a weekend trip with one of my dear friends, Victoria, and Dane stayed home starting on research and putting together an investor packet. Victoria was the first person I told about the hotel and I showed her pictures and we talked about it throughout the weekend. She has been one of our biggest encouragers and I will forever be grateful for that trip and her friendship!

When I got back from the trip, Dane showed me what he had so far with the investor packet and the rest is history! Six months later, we reached our first fundraising goals and purchased the building. Today, we have twelve investors (and growing!) and we’re well on our way with renovations. A lot can happen in a year!
It’s funny to look back and see how the Lord used such a broken and lost moment in my life to make room for Dane and I to dream together. If I had any other career or tiny dream to latch onto at that moment, I don’t think I would have ever considered the hotel. So, if it weren’t for that pain, that lost feeling, I would have never been ready to accept the amazing opportunity and journey the Lord had waiting for us! So for anyone who is reading this and may be feeling lost or that you don’t know what’s next in your life, don’t stop dreaming⏤or maybe start dreaming!⏤and don’t be afraid to dream BIG! Because when the Lord leads you to something, He sure will lead you through it as well!