So, what’s first??

So, what’s first??

Dane and Kelsey doing demo in the Knox Hotel

A lot of questions asked since we purchased the Knox Hotel have revolved around what our first steps are. And what a great question! To preface, the first floor of the Knox is fully renovated and available for rent, but the upper two floors are bare bones – no electrical or plumbing! So, that’s where we begin! 

The first steps will be very messy!

Lath walls in the Knox Hotel

As you can see in some of the pictures we have posted, the plaster from the walls is gone, but the lath (those thin sheets of wood) is still there. That is the first step – taking down all that lath! Last weekend, Dane and I went in by ourselves to see how difficult it would be and we were pleasantly surprised by how quick and easy it was to take down! The problem we ran into is what to do with all the lath once it’s down, because it piled up very quickly. However, we have a plan!

Removed lath in the Knox Hotel

This coming weekend is going to be all DEMO!  We will be gathering with some family, friends, and supporters to take down as much lath on both floors as we can and dump it out of the back of the building, and haul it away.  Once all that lath is down, the real fun begins!  We’ll have a better visual of the layout, we’ll be able to see anywhere the building might need some masonry repairs, and we’ll have much easier access for utilities and insulation when the time comes.

We are currently working with studioK Architecture to finalize a layout for all three floors.  Once a layout is determined, we can start the electrical and plumbing!  So exciting! There are many, many steps to complete after the electrical and plumbing, BUT that will be a huge accomplishment, as it solidifies a layout and lets us get started on putting up walls and the design element!